John Steinbeck's Travels With Charley:
In Search of America

was first published in Curtis Publishing's
Holiday Magazine

Thanks go to the San Jose State University's
Center for Steinbeck Studies, and Dr. Susan Shillinglaw for her
permission to use the Center's bibliography information presented on this page.

Be sure to visit the Steinbeck Center at San Jose State
using the link provided at the end of this little history.

I continue to look for information about Carl L. Biemiller and his journalism career from
all sources. If you discover any, please drop me a note at:

My father Carl L. Biemiller once told me that while he was at Holiday Magazine he had hired John Steinbeck to write some articles for the travel periodical. He once vaunted that Steinbeck's Travels With Charley: In Search of America was the result of an assignment commissioned by Holiday.

Why that memory stuck in my head I'll never know, but it did and I decided to investigate it.

I logged onto the internet and looked for Curtis Publishing, the previous owners of Holiday. Sure enough, they were on-line. They still do publish The Saturday Evening Post, whose early cover illustrations by Norman Rockwell has endeared that magazine to many. I emailed the contact given by the Post's web site and told the cyber-waves my recollection. The missive was returned and a phone number given.

I called and was directed to The Post's and Curtis' Archives manager. I left a message and followed the phone call up with a fax.

Within a couple of days, Curtis' Archives Manager called me (Prompt, I thought, considering this bizarre request by the son of a previous Holiday Executive Editor).

The long and short of it, no archives regarding Holiday. This is the same response I received from the children's publication Dad used to write for, Jack & Jill, when I requested information about their long time editor and Dad's mentor, Ada Campbell Rose. (See The Magic Ball From Mars and Starboy).

A friend suggested I surf a bit and see what I could find on-line regarding John Steinbeck. I did and landed at San Jose State University's Center for Steinbeck Studies. Not only did I find a wealth of information regarding Steinbeck, but the Center's comprehensive bibliography of Mr. Steinbeck's work proved Dad correct.

With the Center's permission, I copied the list of Holiday articles from the Steinbeck, non-fiction, bibliography (see below). The In Quest of America series was published in the Holiday editions of July 1961, December 1961 and February 1962. Travels With Charley: In Search of America was published in 1962. Dr. Susan Shillinglaw, formerly Director of The Center, believes the three articles that ran in Holiday were in fact the book, Travels With Charley: In Search of America.

Bibliography of John Steinbeck's articles published in Holiday Magazine

"Jalopies I Cursed and Loved." Holiday July 1954: 44-45; 89-90.
"What is the Real Paris?" Holiday December 1955: 94. From Le Figaro
"The Yank in Europe." Holiday, Jan. 1956: 25. From Le Figaro.
"Miracle Island of Paris." Holiday, Feb. 1956: 43. From Le Figaro.
"Discovering the People of Paris." Holiday, Aug. 1956: 36. From Le Figaro.
"My War with the Ospreys." Holiday March 1957: 72-73; 163-165.
"Conversation at Sag Harbor." Holiday Mar. 1961: 60-61; 129-31, 133.
"In Quest of America," part one. Holiday 30, no 1 (July 1961): [26], 27-33, 79-85.
"In Quest of America," part two. Holiday 30, no. 6 (Dec. 1961): 60-65, 116-18, 120-21, 124, 126-28, 130-31, 134-36.
"In Quest of America," part three. Holiday 31, no. 2 (Feb. 1962): 58-63, 122.

Carl L. Biemiller joined Holiday at its inception in 1946. He left as Executive Editor in 1957 to join his friend David Stern at the Philadelphia Daily News.

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