Smatterings of Biemiller Genealogy
by John B. Biemiler, aka, Jack, oldest son of Carl L. Biemiller.
Also included is a note from Lawrence Biemiller, who is of another Biemiller clan.
Other Biemillers, please sign in?
From stuff I've picked up, there were four branches of the family originating in Bavaria in the United States. Our branch was Philadelphia, and later Camden NJ. A large group is in Baltimore, more on them anon.
A note from Lawrence Biemiller:
The "John B. Biemiller" wasn't owned by the Biemiller family. It was
owned by a syndicate of investors, and it was named after John B.
Biemiller because he was the largest shareholder, owing 1/16th, as I
recall. He was in the ice and coal business -- not timber, as far as I
know. The ship, though, was not particularly connected to the Biemiller
Ice & Coal Company -- it was a personal investment on John B.'s part.
As I remember -- I haven't looked at the papers in years -- it carried
general coastal cargo, which probably would have included timber as
well as ice (packed in sawdust), coal, and probably grain.
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